Indicating and Reporting
Q 01: What
does a pulsing green engine parameter indicate?
A: An
ADVISORY, the parameter is about to reach the limit.
B: An ADVISORY, the parameter is out of the
C: A MEMO, the parameter has a faulty
D: A level 3 failure requiring immediate crew
Q 02: On a
bottom of the STATUS page, what does the green arrow mean?
A: It is a reminder to land as soon as
B: It indicates that there is a system page
C: It
means that there is more information to be seen.
Q 03: When
should the EMER CANC push button be used?
A: At the completion of an ECAM procedure for
an abnormal procedure.
B: Whenever a LEVEL 3 warning or LEVEL 2
caution occurs.
Whenever a repetitive visual or aural warning, or caution is received that the
crew has determined to be false.
Q 04: The
actual speed is indicated by the ______ reference line.
A: yellow
B: amber
C: red
D: white
Q 05: If a
PFD fails, does anything happen automatically?
A: The ATT HDG switch must be used on the
switching panel in order to recover PFD information.
B: The
image automatically transfers to the display formerly occupied by the ND.
C: The image automatically transfers to the
D: It has to be manually activated.
Q 06:
Course information from the #1 ILS receiver will be displayed:
A: On the
captain’s PFD when the captain’s ILS push button is selected ON.
B: On the FO’s PFD when his ILS push button is
selected on and on the captain’s ND, when the captain’s ND is selected to ILS
C: On the captain’s PFD and ND when the
captain’s ILS push button is selected ON.
D: The first two statements are correct
Q 07:
Information from the #1 VOR receiver will be displayed:
A: On the capt’s PFD when the captain’s
VOR bearing selector is selected to VOR.
B: On the
capt ‘s ND when the capt ‘s VOR bearing
selector is selected to VOR.
C: VOR #1 course information is available on
the captain’s PFD and ND when the
captain’s ILS pb is selected ON.
Q 08: What
causes a display unit (DU) to go blank?
A: Loss of power.
B: Display unit internal failure.
C: Both
are correct.
Q 09: What
causes a DU to display a black screen with a white diagonal line?
B: No power.
C: Both are correct.
Q 10: The
maximum speed to select next higher flap setting is indicated by two amber
A: True.
B: False.
Q 11: VOR,
ILS, and NDB raw data information is displayed on the ND in which of the
following modes?
A: VOR, RMI and NDB information may be
displayed in the ARC or ROSE NAV modes.
B: VOR and ILS information can be displayed in
the ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes respectively
C: Both
are correct.
Q 12: The
presence of VOR1 in red on the ND indicates:
A: The VOR station currently tuned is out of
B: The VOR station currently tuned is out of
C: The # 1
VOR receiver is inoperative.
D: The VOR station currently tuned is out of
Q 13: What
is the meaning of “9000” in blue at the top of the altitude scale?
A: It
marks the FCU selected altitude.
B: It marks the airfield elevation.
C: It marks the transition altitude.
D: It marks the decision height.
Q 14: How
many DMC’s are there?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
Q 15:
After a single DMC failure, how could a crew member recover the display units?
A: It is done automatically.
B: Once a DMC has failed, the information is
C: Rotate
the EIS DMC switch on the switching panel to replace the failed DMC with DMC
Q 16:
Where is information displayed by DMC #1 and DMC#2?
A: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, ND#1, and
lower ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2, ND#2, and upper ECAM.
B: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, PFD#2, and
upper ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to ND#1, ND#2, and lower ECAM.
C: DMC#1
supplies data to PFD#1, ND#1, and upper ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2,
ND#2, and lower ECAM.
D: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, ND#2, and
lower ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2, ND#1, and upper ECAM.
Q 17: If
the lower ECAM DU fails, is there a way to retrieve that information?
A: By pressing and holding the related systems
page push button on the ECAM control panel, the page will be displayed on the
B: By rotating the ECAM/ND XFR switch on the
switching panel, the lower ECAM page will be transferred to either the Captain
or FO’s ND.
C: Both
are correct.
Q 18: If
the UPPER ECAM DU fails, what will be displayed on the lower unit?
A: System display page.
B: Engines
and Warning page (E/WD)
C: Status page.
Q 19:
Weather radar can be displayed in what modes on the ND?
A: ARC and ROSE NAV modes only.
B: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes.
C: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes.
D: All
modes except plan.
position information is displayed on the ND in which of the following modes?
A: ARC and
ROSE NAV modes only.
B: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes.
C: ARC, ROSE and PLAN modes.
D: ROSE VOR mode.
Q 21: Once
the crewmember has completed viewing a specific system, what is the correct
procedure for clearing the screen and returning it to a normal presentation?
A: Press
the respective system push button again.
B: It goes away by itself
C: Press CLR on the ECAM control panel.
D: Press twice CLR on the ECAM control panel.
Q 22:
After the engine shutdown, you observe a pulsing STS message. What does it
A: It is an indication that at least one
system requires crew attention.
B: It is an indication that the aircraft has
not been shut down correctly.
C: It is a
reminder that the status page holds a maintenance message.
Q 23: The
upper ECAM Display Unit (DU) has failed. You want to see the DOOR/OXY page. How
can you see it?
A: You
have to press and hold the DOOR key on the ECP
B: You have to switch the EIS DMC to CAPT3
C: You have to press and hold the RCL key on
the ECP.
Q 24: Both
ECAM screens have failed. Is it possible to get E/WD indications?
A: Yes, the E/WD is automatically transferred
to one of the NDs.
B: No. The E/WD is lost until the aircraft can
be repaired.
C: Yes, to
get E/WD information. It must be manually transferred to one of the NDs.
D: Yes. E/WD information is automatically
transferred to the the F/O’s PFD in the event of an ECAM warning.
Q 25: How
are the FMAs displayed on the PFD?
A: There
are 5 columns and 3 rows.
B: There are 3 columns and 5 rows.
C: There are 3 columns and 2 rows.
D: There are 4 columns and 2 rows.
Q 26: In
case of a double FWC failure master caution light, master warning light, aural
warnings and ECAM cautions and warnings are lost.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 27: How
did the PNF cancel the caution for the NAV ILS 1 FAULT before calling the
STATUS page on the ECP?
A: By
pressing the EMER CANC pushbutton.
B: By pressing the CLR key
C: By pressing the STS key
D: By pressing the ALL key.
Q 28: How
can the ILS 1 FAULT be restored from being a CANCELLED CAUTION?
A: By resetting the appropriate circuit
B: By pressing and holding any CLR key for
more than 3 seconds.
C: By pressing the EMER CAN pushbuttton for
more than 3 seconds.
D: By
pressing and holding the RCL key for more than 3 seconds.
Q 29: VLS
is the lowest speed that the autoflight system (autopilot or A/THR) will fly
the aircraft. This is a dynamic speed corresponding to an Angle Of Attack
A: VLS will change with wing configuration
B: With speedbrake extension, VLS will
C: Above FL200, VLS will provide a 0.2g buffet
D: All of
the above.
(Note: VLS information is inhibited from
touchdown until 10 seconds after liftoff.)
Q 30: The
Speed Trend Arrow is a dynamic information displaying the speed t which the
aircraft will be in _____.
A: 5 seconds.
B: 8 seconds
C: 10
D: 13 seconds.
Q 31: Of
the three types of EIS displays, which one has the lowest priority?
A: The ND
B: The PFD
?C: The SED
Q 32: As
you approach a selected altitude, when will the yellow altitude window start
A: As you
approach within 750 ft of FCU selected altitude and stop when it is within 250
B: As you approach within 1000 ft of FCU
selected altitude and stop when it is within 150 ft.
C: As you approach within 500 ft of FCU
selected altitude and stop when it is within 150 ft.
D: As you approach within 900 ft of FCU
selected altitude and stop when it is within 200 ft.
Q 33: The
Flight Path vector (FPV) represents the lateral and vertical trajectory of the
aircraft with respect to the ground. On the lateral scale, it indicates the
aircraft’s track. On the vertical scale, it indicates the aircraft’s flight
path angle
A: True.
B: False.
Q 34: When
does the Side Stick Order indicator display?
A: After first engine start and disappears
when passing 400 feet RA
B: After
first engine start and disappears after rotation
C: After second engine start and disappears
when passing 400 feet RA
D: After second engine start and disappears
when passing 400 feet RA
Q 35: When
is the ‘Green Dot’ displayed?
A: Only
when flap handle is the zero position.
B: Only when flap handle is the zero position,
above FL80
C: Only when flap handle is the zero position,
below FL80
D: Only when flap handle is the zero position,
below FL85
Q 36: What
does Green Dot represent?
A: Maneuvering speed in clean configuration
Maneuvering speed in clean configuration when speed is managed.
C: The next flap extend (VFE) max speed
D: The flap extend min speed from clean
(Note: It shows the speed corresponding to the
best lift-to-drag ratio.)
Q 37: The
green ‘S’ of the speedtape is the Minimum Slat Retraction Speed. It is only
displayed when the flap handle position is in position 1
A: True.
B: False.
Q 38: When
will the PFD Heading tape revert to TRUE heading?
A: North
of 73° North or South of 60° South
B: South of 73° North or North of 60° South.
C: North of 80° North or South of 73°South
D: North of 78° North or South of 78°South
Q 39: Is
the Side Slip indicator always yellow?
A: Yes.
B: No, it
turns blue when it becomes a beta target (displaying optimum side slip for a
given configuration)
C: No, it turns orange when it becomes a beta
target .
Q 40: When
will the Flight Directors bars flash?
A: When a reversion occurs.
B: When loss of LOC or G/S signal in LAND
C: All of
the above.
Q 41: The
Flight Director bars are out of view when Bank angle exceeds 67°.
A: True
B: False.
(Note: When bank angle exceeds 45° (will
return when bank is < 40°
Q 42: If
the FPV (Flight Path Vector) symbol is right of center, where is the wind
coming from?
A: Right.
B: Left.
C: It depends of the Track followed
Q 43: If the
FPV is above the horizon line, what is the aircraft actually doing?
A: Descending.
B: Maintaining FL.
D: Cannot say.
Q 44: The
Glide slope index will flash continuously when the deviation exceeds ______
above ______',
A: 1/2 dot below 120 feet RA
B: 1 dot
above 100 feet RA
C: 1 dot above 60 ft RA
D: 1/2 dot below 100 feet RA.
Q 45: Both
LOC and glideslope will flash if, after capture, the signal is lost.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 46: The
lower end of a red and black strip along the speed scale defines the VMAX
A: It is
the lowest of the following VMO (or MMO), VLE, VFE
B: It is the speed corresponding to the stall
warning (VSW)
C: It represents the speed corresponding to
the angle of attack at which alpha protection becomes active.
Q 47: The
SD displays the Gross Weight (GW) in green as soon as the second engine is
A: True.
B: False.
(Note: As soon as the first engine is started.
The last two digits are dashed if accuracy is degraded.. On ground, the
indication is replaced by blue dashes, if no computed data is available.)
Q 48: In
case of PFDU failure, the PFD image is transferred to the NDU:
A: Manually
C: Either manually or automatically
D: The PFD image cannot be displayed on the
Q 49: What
is the basic role of the DMCs:
A: They
compute and elaborate displays
B: Generation of audio warnings
C: Generation of amber warnings
D: Generation of synthetic voice messages
Q 50: Do
the Check ATT. Messages appear on both PFDs at the same time?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Message only appears on the EWD
D: Message only appears on ECAM
Q 51: FACs
calculate speed trend and VLS. The extremities of the trend vector and V1s
segment indicate respectively; speed value at the next 10 seconds and 1.23 Vs 1
g with present configuration. Is this correct?
A: Yes
(for both cases)
B: No (for both cases)
C: No because VLS is not 1.23 Vs 1g
D: No because the tip of the speed arrow is
not the speed in 10 seconds time
Q 52: With
radar selected on, what can you read on ND about antenna setting?
A: Tilt angle
B: Tilt
angle and gain mode
C: Roll angle and tilt angle
D: Nothing
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